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Apple Search Ads : Advanced vs Basic – Which is Right for Your iOS App?

Apple Search Ads : Advanced vs Basic . What is better for iOS Apps ?

Apple Search Ads is a paid advertising platform that allows iOS app developers to promote their apps within the App Store. One of the key decisions you’ll need to make when setting up a campaign is whether to use the advanced or basic version of the platform. In this post, we’ll take a look at the main differences between the two and help you decide which is the best choice for your app.

What is main difference between Apple Search Ads advanced and basic ?



The main difference between Apple Search Ads advanced and basic is the level of control and customization you have over your campaign.

With the advanced version, you have much more control over the targeting of your ads. You can use advanced targeting options such as demographics, interests, and keywords to ensure your ads are shown to the most relevant users. You can also set custom bids for each targeting group, which can be helpful if you want to prioritize certain groups over others.

In addition to the advanced targeting options, Apple Search Ads advanced also allows you to use custom creatives and set up A/B testing to see which ads perform the best. This can be useful if you want to try out different ad copy or design elements to see what works best for your app.

On the other hand, Apple Search Ads basic is a more streamlined version of the platform that is designed to be easy to use for smaller app developers or those new to paid advertising. With the basic version, you don’t have as many targeting options or the ability to use custom creatives. However, you do have access to the same powerful search algorithms as the advanced version, which means your ads will still be shown to relevant users.

 So , which version is right for you? Apple search ads advanced or basic ?


So, which version is right for you? If you’re a smaller app developer with a limited budget, or if you’re new to paid advertising and want something that is easy to use, Apple Search Ads basic may be the way to go. However, if you have a larger budget and want more control over your targeting and creatives, Apple Search Ads advanced could be a better choice.

Ultimately, the decision between Apple Search Ads advanced and basic will depend on your specific needs and goals for your app. Both versions have their pros and cons, and the best choice for you will depend on your resources, budget, and marketing goals.

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